Naziv vsebine
Osagia Oncoid
PMH-1, Javorniški Rovt, the western Southern Karavanks.
Lithostr. Unit
Trogkofel Formation (upper part)/Goggau Limestone?
Envir. Setting
Back-reef or back-bank lagoon with well-lit, well-agitated shallow water indicated by dasyclads and Osagid grains.
Bioclastic oncoidal-algal-echinoderm grainstone/rudstone containing an osagid grain with a gastropod shell in the nucleus. Note the bioclastic-peloidal infill and biogenic encrustations (1) coating both infiltrated grains and the interior whorl walls.
Dissolution voids filled with calcisiltite extend to the isopachous prismatic rim cement (2nd arrow), while in some areas they reach the biogenic grain (possibly phylloid alga), which has been locally completely leached (3rd arrow).