The vast majority of fossils displayed on this website were collected by my late friend Jože Bedič. Setting up the website would have been impossible without the comprehensive support of the former director of the Upper Sava Museum Jesenice, Irena Lačen Benedičič. Most images in the Metazoan and Plant Fossils sections were captured by Silvo Kokalj using a Canon EOS 20D and further processed in Photoshop CS3, CS5, and CS6 by myself.


The website is perpetually evolving yet remains somewhat incomplete. The published images lack scale bars, and there are currently no references listed in the homepage articles. I couldn't care less about the former, and I'm too lazy to do the latter. Besides, most fossils are only tentatively assigned to their respective genera by the major culprit behind this website. Seeing my description below, what else did you expect anyway?

Piškotki za analitiko
Ti se uporabljajo za beleženje analitike obsikanosti spletne strani in nam zagotavljajo podatke na podlagi katerih lahko zagotovimo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo.
Piškotki za družabna omrežja
Piškotki potrebni za vtičnike za deljenje vsebin iz strani na socialna omrežja.
Piškotki za komunikacijo na strani
Piškotki omogočajo pirkaz, kontaktiranje in komunikacijo preko komunikacijskega vtičnika na strani.
Piškotki za oglaševanje
So namenjeni targetiranemu oglaševanju glede na pretekle uporabnikove aktvinosti na drugih straneh.
Kaj so piškotki?
Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate z uporabo in beleženjem piškotkov.V redu Več o piškotkih