Naziv vsebine
Karavankina praepermica
Karavankina praepermica Ramovš, 1966
Savske jame (1?), Planina pod Golico, the western Southern Karavanks.
Lithostr. Unit
Auernig Formation
Envir. Setting
Tempestite deposit?
Limonitized steinkerns (originally siderite) in brachial (left) and pedicle (right) views with specimen on the left showing interior mold of brachial valve with exposed imprint of median septum.
Absence of compression in the sample indicates mineralization prior to sediment compaction. Organic decay released carbon dioxide, reacting as carbonic acid with ferrous-ion-enriched pore water to form siderite, subsequently altered into limonite.
Species | Karavankina praepermica Ramovš, 1966 |
Locality | The Southern Karavanks., Javorniški Rovt Area, NW of Jesenice |
Lithostratigraphic Unit | Auernig Formation |
Environmental Setting | Tempestite deposit? |
Notes | Limonitised internal mold having visible imprint of median septum. Lack of specimen-deformation points to mineralisation in early diagenis prior to the compaction of the sediment. Organic tissue decomposition has enriched pore water with carbon dioxide. Entering of water containing Fe2+ into intergranular voids lead to the formation of siderite, subsequently oxidised to limonite. |
Specimen Size | ~ 31 mm |